Whatever the Wonder Girls do, Girls' Generation must do better.
That seems to be the trend for Lee Soo Man and his little toys lately.
Girls' Generation has been selected as the models for online game development company, Nexon. Nexon was founded in 1996, and have hit games such as Kart Rider and Maple Story under their belt.
The girls will not only model and create CF's for Nexon games, but they will also release a music video to make all of your virtual fantasies come true
Wow, where do I start on this one? This could be a good marketing move or not. Sure, the girls will be fantasies to old men who have too much time on their hands, but really is this what role models should look like? A bunch of girls prancing around in little schoolgirl uniforms. But then again, it could be a good thing for poppa LSM. He needs the money and exploits these girls as stereotypical Asian fetish fantasies. They're the sweet demure lotus blossoms.
And Tiffany, we get it...you want to be the cute one that old men like.
Hopefully these girls are wearing underwear. Luckily their legs are closed.
yea, it's just advertisment for a game, but some of you are thinking of perverted stuff already, what's wrong with the short skirts, other stars had wore less than that so I don't know why some of you have such a big reaction. Guess it's not just about that, is it?
its just advertising a game
does it realli need to be thought out as this way?